The worst movie I've seen in a while
1 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
And as a horror genre enthusiast I'm constantly watching some low budget horror flicks. I can forgive a few plot holes, bad acting to a certain degree, stupid screenplay and other flaws. But not here. This movie is just awful in every category. I'm not really a fan of inbred mutant hillbillies from hell horror. The Hills Have Eyes and Deliverance are a couple of exceptions. I should have seen it coming. The second and third installment were silly so I am a bit angry with myself for watching the fourth one. But I did and its too late for regret. So, congrats to Mr. Declan O'Brien ( and I will remember the name ) you have now surpassed Uwe Boll on my list of the worst directors ever. That is quite an accomplishment.

The subtitle of the movie is very misleading. It just might have been the reason for my viewing of the film. It sounds like a promise of an explanation. Don't be fooled. There is no explanation. I got screwed. So will you. All we get is a sort of copy/paste scene of Jodie Foster and the director of the mental institution walking down the corridor towards Hanibal Lecter's cell in Silence of The Lambs. Here we have the head doc and the newly hired doc walking down the corridor of horror in a sanatorium. The latter being an institution for keeping patients away from society because they might spread a disease that has no cure yet or they might harm, kill and eat people. A sanitarium, on the other hand, is where the crazy but mostly harmless people are kept. Well, at least I learned something from this movie. The last cell in the corridor of horror is the home of our three stars of the movie. The head doc quickly explains that they were found in the woods by an old lady. He calls the youngsters very dangerous. He also says they're very smart and explains how one of them chewed off a couple of his own fingers and ate them. The other poked out one of his own eyes and ate it. Smart??? The third one just kept biting people so they put a mask on him. And on top of that they all suffer from a very rare genetic condition which makes them immune to pain. Guess what? They get out of the cell. Surprised? Probably not. They immediately unlock all the doors in the sanatorium and kill the guard and the two doctors. The movie then jumps about three decades into the future where we meet 8 people, which are really not worth mentioning at all. They are planning a snowmobile ride to a cottage that is probably near the now seemingly abandoned sanatorium. There is a snow storm and the 8 friends end up taking shelter in the building. And then the fun begins. Or ends.

I have already written way too much about this piece of s#&@, so I'll just list a few things that, in my opinion, contribute mostly to the all together awfulness of the movie.

1. Acting. Atrocious. Think of porn stars having a go at a serious movie. Then go one notch lower on the scale and thats it. I am sorry to write this, but the female actresses were cast on looks instead of talent. It is sorely obvious. The cannibal brothers can't speak. They communicate through grunts, screams and one of them giggles like a little girl. Hilarious at times but this is not supposed to be a comedy.

2. After almost 30 years since the cannibal brothers took over the running of the sanatorium our heroes and heroines find the place 30 years older and dirtier but somewhat untouched. When they wander around the place they find loads of medical equipment like old wheelchairs, a working generator in the basement, old movies about the treatment of various diseases. Eventually they find the office of the doctor who ran the place. Everything is still there. The patient's files, other paperwork and a 30 years old bottle of whiskey. Am I supposed to believe that in thirty!!! years no one had inspected the place? Nobody missed the employees like the guards and the doctors? And if the first search party didn't come back, why not send another? If the second fails to return because, like the first one, had been killed and eaten by the brothers, would the authorities not send an armed squad of policemen or soldiers to inspect the place because there is something not quite right up there if all the people keep disappearing? The brothers just killed and ate everybody?

3. The gore. Just way over the top. The heads keep popping off. Arms and legs popping off. The blood is squirting all over the place. Watch out for the hysterical screaming. It might damage your hearing.

4. At some point midway through the movie our heroes and heroines actually manage to trap all three brothers and lock them into a cell. Do they kill them? No, some of them want to but the stupid female lead character says no. And this is after they killed 3 or 4 of her friends. You know what happens next. This is an easy one.

5. Where the hell did they get onions and potatoes? Did they go shopping to the nearest town? The brothers are frying some human flesh for dinner at one point and the one that giggles like a girl is chopping away at some fresh onions and potatoes. Seriously??? Just awful. Stay away. Don't ever watch it.
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