Frances Langford is the Show!
6 November 2011
To all of the 'experts' on cross dressing, and all of those giggling for a hint of 'gayness' in a seventy year old movie. I realize that being gay is the in thing today. Everybody wants to be gay. Even gay people want to be 'gay-er.' But it wasn't always that way, children. Seventy years ago, a beautiful blond woman stepped up to a microphone and created MAGIC. This movie features Frances Langford who from her first entrance in a movie, raises the quality of any film she is in. If she doesn't make your pulse race, then you don't have one. Must I state the obvious, that this film was made in 1941 for 1941 audiences. 'Some Like it Hot' and 'Tootsie' would come along years later. Lets just watch the 1940's movies for what they are...Sheer Entertainment. No political messages, no social conscience. 'All American Co-Ed' is a fun romp of silliness, spiced with the grand personality and sultry sound of the G.I. heart throb herself, Frances Langford. 'Out of the Silence' is a wonderful song sung so meltingly by Langford. It deserved an Academy Award nomination. It should have won. Is it too late for a recount?
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