A showcase for talent in the most unlikely title and most unlikely storyline.
11 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
With a title like 'Meet Monica Velour', one can almost be assured of some sleazy raunchy plot of a scenario and gratuitous nudity. One would be wrong; well there's some, not much, partial nudity but it is absolutely necessary in the context of the story. The storyline summary in IMDb is as much as needs to be said unless you are prepared to deal with the real and more lengthy story. The full story is much more in depth than what is superficially conveyed by the title; a better choice for a title could help this nice story to find an audience and reassure the viewer that the movie is not raunchy or sleazy. I decided to watch it because I often take a non conventional approach to picking movies; seeking gems, I watch a volume of films which inevitably means I will see duds and crap before I find those gem that make it all worthwhile. 'Meet Monica Velour' is almost one of those gems, not quite but as close as it comes to the real thing. That makes it worth a view. Why? For all the following reasons:

Kim Cattrall shows that she can act, oh yes, no kidding; she is giving a performance she can be very proud of. Before this movie, I thought of Kim Cattrall as an actress who only did commercial stuff where she is a character of low morality to say it nicely, and where little acting skills were required. Here she plays a person of low morality in a way of course, but one who is honest, caring and loving while having to show the struggle of a former porn star with some brain and what she must endure later in life. It is a beautifully done piece of acting as you'll ever see; she is completely believable and garnishes sympathy from a stunned viewer like me. I dare anyone to find a smart review that says different. Then there's Dustin Ingram, who plays the main character and acquits himself with equal savvy; his character is brilliantly well depicted. There are several sweet moments and as many realistic down to earth, "real life' moments that deserved good acting and these two actors delivered. A young director by the name of Keith Bearden now has a showcase for his portfolio and one he can be proud of, both for the directing and the script.
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