Doesn't really deliver....
15 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't a fan of Zombieland, I thought it was one of the most overrated movies of 2009, but I like the cast and I thought the plot of the story was promising.

The basic premise is, Danny McBride is playing the same character like he does in every other thing he's in (not a bad thing) but the twist is that Fred Ward is his dad.

Danny needs $100,000 to hire a hit-man to kill his dad, so he straps a bomb to Jesse Eisenbergs chest and tells him he must rob a bank in the next ten hours or go Ka-Boooom! Sounds really good, and has the chance to be one of the funniest films of the year.

it really isn't, it's rarely funny, and despite the film being only 90 minutes long, it drags.

It's not the casts fault they are all really good. It's just that the script writers expect the audience to laugh at the same jokes we were laughing at nearly ten years ago, but with added swearing.

It tries to be original, and just when it's in danger of getting good, the film depends on innuendo and profanity, which i'm all for, but it gets a little too much in this.

It's a great premise, with some good performance, but the script lets it down.

great Tanning salon commercial though.
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