Christmas! Big fat hairy deal!
4 December 2011
Sweet, enjoyable seasonal special in which the cranky orange tabby finds himself rudely awakened from a much too pleasurable dream, by owner Jon who informs him that it's time to go to the family homestead for the holidays. Garfield, of course, is having none of this at first, remaining true to his usual personality, but soon comes around to seeing things in a different light.

An excellent voice cast is great fun, with Lorenzo Music in fine form as Garfield. Pat Harrington Jr. is priceless as Dad, as is David L. Lander as Doc Boy. But the true standout is Pat Carroll as Grandma. Grandma ends up stealing the whole show, in some of the comedic moments and most of the dramatic ones. When she mourns the loss of her husband, and when Garfield comes across the perfect present to give to her, it's touching. Grandma's funny moments have her whacking Doc Boy with a spoon when he goes overboard saying Grace at the dinner table, pounding away at the piano like she's Jerry Lee Lewis, and surreptitiously adding chili powder to Mom's sausage gravy. When ever lovable Odie presents Garfield with a useful present, the cat is visibly moved, and he agrees that Christmas should never focus so much on the gift getting / receiving process but the loving.

Other hilarious aspects include seeing Dad with the ridiculous over sized hat on his head, or when he's roped into yet another reading of "Binky, the Clown Who Saved Christmas" and Jon and Doc Boy insist he recite a line the way Binky would say it, or when the two of them wake him at 1:30 in the morning, insisting that any time after midnight is technically Christmas morning. Catchy songs, as usual, help a good deal.

As an almost life long fan of the strip and the specials, this viewer can tell you that it's always a treat to see these characters brought to life and visit them any time, not just during the various holidays.

Eight out of 10.
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