Talking Funny (2011 TV Special)
"Make fun of what they do, not for what they are."
4 December 2011
Jerry Seinfeld, Louis C.K., Chris Rock, and Ricky Gervais sit around a table to discuss their comedy acts and routines. They talk about the way they develop their acts, how they view jokes, and how they perform on stage.

I really enjoyed this talk show because it brings out the comedians' different personalities, and how their personalities affect their respective acts. You will recognize that Ricky Gervais is very analytic and academic, that Jerry Seinfeld is self-righteous and "pure", that Chris Rock is educated yet vocal about ethnic and social issues, and that Louis C.K. is a very down to earth everyday man. Some people may not like the attitudes of any of these comedians, namely Gervais and Seinfeld.

Despite any flaws in character or personality that any one of these comedians may have, I think that these four really interact well with each other, and the communication of ideas flows well. I think that if they had prepared discussion material for this, as opposed to talking at will, they would have been able to articulate their ideas way more effectively. Gervais is notable for not being able to effectively express his thoughts. While most of the time he has good points, his choice of words puts him at odds with the other comedians. Nevertheless, they are still able to express their thoughts well enough to have a conversation and they do bounce ideas backs and forth. This is especially true when one of them says something that the others don't agree with.

Some of the topics involved in the talk show include swearing, killer bits, how they develop acts and jokes, their relationship with the audience, and the reasons why people love certain jokes. They cover a multitude of topics that showcase their similarities and their differences as comedians. You will see the fundamentals of stand-up comedy brought to life and discussed.

I really enjoyed this discussion on comedy. There was barely anything, if anything at all, to detract from my enjoyment of the talk show. I hope that they may be able to come back to do this again, and add more to the discussion.
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