Review of True Grit

True Grit (2010)
John Wayne Who?
21 December 2011
So much better than the original. Jeff Bridges starts out good and continues to get better throughout the film - the gravely voiced, cantankerous bastard of a marshal who does what is necessary, when it is necessary, because it is necessary. Certainly worthy of an Oscar nomination (but, most likely, not a win).

Matt Damon is the perfect foil/partner to the Marshal - a fop of the first order, yet magnificently duty bound.

Josh Brolin does a nice turn as the target of the manhunt - a bit dim witted; but, uncaringly evil.

Hailee Steinfeld as Mattie, performs as an equal to Bridges here. Her performance elicits the best out of whichever cast member she is playing against. Could be a long shot winner here, but probably not - too many other strong women this year.

The script adds volumes to the characters - truly, a work of art; without which, no amount of acting could have raised this film to this level.

Direction, scenery, pacing - all excellent.

A good film to see even if you don't like westerns.
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