Ace Ventura: Pet Detective Jr. (2009)
22 January 2012
Somewhere in Hollywood lives an evil genius and his grand plan is to make sequels to every Jim Carrey movie...WITHOUT Jim Carrey. If that wasn't bad enough this film replaces Jim with some fat, irritating child AND suggests Ace died. The best thing would have been to make this a prequel with Ace as a child. Not give him a stupid ugly kid."Respectful" is not a word in this film's vocabulary. It also has some old guy, playing Ace's dad, whom repeats all of Carrey's signature lines in a fashion akin to your own grandfather, embarrassing you at your birthday party. This is really horrible, verging on disgusting. I'm not the biggest Ace Ventura fan, but this is just ghastly. I hope all involved have a suicide pact.
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