Review of Chain Letter

Chain Letter (2010)
Torture Porn at its worst
29 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The SyFy channel must have paid $0.50 to show this so...what a bargain for the channel...they are running it! It amazes me that some people actually think the moronic beginning to this dreck is actually a good beginning. The sheer amount of impossible coincidences for the first scene to occur is incredible.

The husband and wife are leaving the home in suburbia. They both have backed their vehicles into the driveway the night before. They both have decided to park outside of the perfectly empty garage. They both are too stupid to notice that there are big metal chains attached to the exhausts of the car. They both are too stupid to notice that the garage door is high enough off the ground for a body to be attached to it by the chains.

They both simultaneously start their engines. They both get on the cell phone and turn up the stereo volume so that they won't hear the chains dragging. They both drive out of the driveway at precisely the same moment. Neither one of them notices a pull from the heavy chains dragging a human body at the back of the vehicle.

The girl who has been bound and gagged raises her head up enough to slam it into the garage door before being pulled out under the garage door with ease. So...she could have ducked and not hit the door...but she is too stupid to do that. She is also too stupid to realize that although she is gagged and chained she could roll her body out underneath the garage door out into view.

This is just torture porn at its stupidest.
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