Act of Valor (2012)
Nice action, but that's just about it.
26 February 2012
"Act of Valor" was a very anticipated film for me. The thought of using real Navy Seals as characters in a war/action film sounded very intriguing, but then my hopes were slightly lowered when I read reviews regarding their acting and the writing of the film. I never would've thought this movie would receive the negative reception that it's currently getting, and frankly, I was kind of scared when I went to see it. Well, the good news is that I didn't hate it. The bad news is that it could have been so much more than what it already was.

Let me start out on a positive note and say that as an action film, "Act of Valor" is completely watchable. The action sequences are very well staged and given the amount of carnage, it was nice to see some impressive and steady camera work for once. One may argue that the film works more as an action thriller than a war movie with a political message, but it is what it is. Don't expect realism that was seen in, oh, "Saving Private Ryan" or "The Hurt Locker". But hey, I didn't mind that, because on a technical standpoint, the film is well done.

While the action is fun to watch, the same can't be said for the Seals. All of the things you have been reading about the Navy Seals and their acting is sadly true. It's not the worst acting I've ever seen, but it certainly did not impress me either. There are times where it comes off as decent, and there are times where you'll be rolling your eyes. Even the dialog comes off as laughable. With all of the mediocre-at-best acting and writing, there's also not much reason to care for the Seals or even the story for that matter, and it's even worse how the most interesting and compelling character is the villain.

It's sad to say such things about a film that had such potential, but I guess we can't all be winners. While not as bad as some may have said, it's certainly nothing special. If you are looking for an entertaining action film and you don't mind bland acting/dialog and stiff characters, I say take your chance. Otherwise, "Act of Valor" only makes for a forgettable, if not horrendous, piece of entertainment.
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