Review of Cargo

Cargo (2009)
Stylish, Yet Familiar Science Fiction Adventure
3 March 2012
Cargo is an interesting and beautifully shot science fiction film, but not exactly a groundbreaking one. It bears similarity to several well known sci fi movies which are better known, but it manages to tell it's own story without falling into the typical clichés of the genre. Visually, the film feels epic, which fantastic cinematography and direction, and exceptional visual and sound effects; made the more impressive by the film's small budget. The story, however, feels personal and more character driven, more along the lines of Moon. The pacing is also similar and moves along slowly and methodically. The plot also has some twists and turns, nothing that will lose a casual viewer, but also will not engage or intrigue an experienced viewer. The story plays out somewhat like a murder mystery to begin with, but then delves into territory that will be familiar to those who've seen The Matrix. The performances are sufficient, but not exceptional. The real draw here is the visuals, but they are nicely backed by a competent, if not compeletely intriguing, story. Definitely worth a look if you enjoy your sci fi on the slower side, but this one may turn off some people that need more action with their space travel.
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