Lady Behave! (1937)
Cute movie full of funny performances
7 March 2012
Clarice comes home from a Mardi Gras party and announces that she's just been married; her sister Paula (Sally Eilers) quickly points out that, inconveniently, she's already married to somebody else. It's up to Paula and family lawyer Burton Williams (Grant Mitchell) to come up with a plan: noting that a person can get ten years for bigamy, they swiftly decide to work first on an annulment for marriage number one, and then to take on marriage number two.

Not surprisingly, all does not go as swiftly as planned, and soon Paula is posing as her sister and moving into a very ritzy new home, where she encounters the new hubby's two children, who do not exactly offer a warm welcome to the new stepmother they assume is just another gold digger.

When their dad (Neil Hamilton) eventually makes it home and meets his bride as if for the first time (which, of course, it actually is), the plot gets even thicker; meanwhile, Clarice's first husband (Joseph Schildkraut) is lurking, smelling a buck in this setup somewhere.

It's all very funny, and the actors have a field day with some pretty nutty roles. Schildkraut is especially hilarious as the would-be womanizer. Mitchell is also very funny as the quick thinking lawyer of practical mind but dubious morals. Hamilton is appropriately confused yet capable as the leading man; Sally Eilers is very good as the responsible older sister who is drawn into a crazy situation and finds herself unexpectedly falling for it all. The relationship between the two leads is never particularly surprising but they do carry if off with energy and style.

The two kids also do well—energetic do-it-yourselfers, they certainly are not hesitant to take a hand in managing family affairs. Their scenes with Schildkraut are super.

It's a cute movie that offers lots of easy laughs. Don't miss Robert Greig and Mary Gordon in small roles as—what else?—the butler and the cook.
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