Doomwatch: Winter Angel (1999 TV Movie)
Doomwatch - Failed Reboot
8 March 2012
My review is based on my recollection of this TV pilot when it was originally broadcast on Channel 5 in the UK, back in 1999. The details of characters and plot points are now pretty vague in my memory (12+ years having now passed) but I can still remember that I enjoyed this programme in much the same way I enjoyed The Quatermass Conclusion (i.e. Nice to see a favourite back on TV but disappointed that it wasn't like the "original"). I should also point out that I am familiar with the "original" Doomwatch TV series of the 70's and the Ian Bannen film version of 1972, owning VHS & DVD copies of each.

This type of film needs to be carried by a lead actor up to the task and in that respect Trevor Eve handles the heroic starring roll with aplomb, giving his character the gravitas required to fulfill that position. No!!!, that sounds poncy. What I meant to say was Trevor Eve is good in it. I don't remember thinking anything more about the acting in this film. I remember that the plot intrigued me. I also remember that the ending was good, setting the scene for a series that unfortunately never transpired.

I see that this film is now available on DVD. I personally wont bother buying the DVD. Although Doomwatch: Winter Angel had it's moments, had an interesting storyline, and great potential as a new TV series, the bottom line is that unsatisfactory feeling of watching another failed TV pilot, and I've seen so many of them over the years. However, if they ever repeat it on TV and I'm not doing anything that day I'll probably record it.
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