Review of John Carter

John Carter (2012)
The book's a classic, but as for the film. . .
19 March 2012
The more I think about 'John Carter', the more I see the similarities between it and 'Avatar'. Both films are huge-budgeted, ambitious science fiction films that seem to showcase to much beautiful CGI (boy, does that feel weird to say), rather than tell an all too original and compelling story.

Now, before you think too yourself that I was not aware that this was based on a book, you're wrong. I understand that the book was written in 1912 (which is incredibly ahead of its time), and many, many science fiction films and stories have borrowed elements (such as 'Avatar.')I wish it would have just given us something new. The princess story is clichéd and predictable, the main characters journey from foreigner to hero has been done many times before, the villains who seem to lack any sort of motivation doesn't help matters for that fact as well.

Is it visually appealing? Of course. It's beautiful. Gorgeous. Stunning. But as a complete story, does it make coherent sense and is paced well? No. Not at all.

I'd recommend for big sci-fans to check it out, they won't be disappointed. As for the average viewer, waiting until it's able to rent is the way to go.
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