Politically incorrect fun
10 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Watched this last weekend as part of ITV 3's British Comedy Weekend and for all Mutiny isn't quite as funny as the first film, the jokes about Olive's baby breaking wind are a bit tiresome and crass, it's still a very amusing and totally politically incorrect film( the female clippies are all big busted and sexually easy and Stan and Jack are constantly making the kind of wisecracks that would give Ben Elton a heart attack).

Basically the film concerns Blakey's schemes to get at the drivers by installing radios in their cabs to monitor their workshy behaviour- with some justification as Stan and Jack in one scene are seen playing darts against a side of a bus- but as ever Stan and Jack get the better of him by tuning the radios to police and airport frequencies with very amusing results. Also Stan is engaged to a female clippy and as money is to be tight at home when he moves out, he teaches his brother in law to drive a bus rather ineptly as it turns out. Yet to me the highlight of the film is when Stan and Blakey take a trip bus to Windsor Safari Park and a chimp takes control of the bus with demented results and a lion climbs on the bus and bites both men in the nether regions.

Obviously the film is corny and rather dated now and the PC brigade and the film snobs loathe these films with a passion, but Mutiny is still hilarious in places and I must admit having a thing for the tarty clippies that Jack and Stan lust after. Also if Mutiny on the Buses is so awful, how come it's always repeated and the television series still has a devoted following.
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