Buster's Revenge!!!
2 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Buster plays a dazed young man who, through a mistake in translation, finds himself married to tough Irish woman - Kate Price no less!!! She and her family are rough and vulgar and Buster finds he is tossed around like a sack of potatoes. Buster spends meal time passing condiments and showing her boxer brother an easier and more convenient way to drink coffee. Buster must have drawn on his childhood in vaudeville for some of the extremely rough stunts which are hilarious. When Kate and her brothers believe that Buster has inherited $100,000, they make a pact to be nice to him while trying to fleece him out of his money. Fortunately Buster has the last laugh.

This was one of the 20 brilliant two reelers that Buster made between 1920 and 1922, just before he switched to features. Even though he kept his thoughts to himself, this hilarious short may have been a cynical view of what he really thought of being bound to the clannish Talmadge family. He had married Natalie, younger sister of Norma and Constance, a year before this film was made. Although everything seemed wonderful and Buster felt he had never experienced such close family ties, there was an undercurrent that he was not good enough for their Natalie, that he was only a comic. Maybe with this movie he had his revenge!!
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