A Modern Doc Hollywood?
26 May 2012
I loved this film. I also loved the similarly themed Doc Hollyood, with Michael J. Fox in the 80s. Only in that movie, the town itself and the conflict between big city and small town life played larger roles. This one was primarily a love story.

I've never heard of anyone in this film, but they all did an amazing job. Nikki Boyer, the female protagonist, was totally believable as the all-talk/no-action academic. There's no explanation for why she looks like she may be from India, yet her deceased screen dad was a rancher in New Mexico. Maybe she was supposed to be part Native American, or Hispanic.

Beau Clark, the male lead played his role as part alpha male/part city slicker/part vulnerable everyman with precision, while making it look easy.

I am so tired of movies about fighters, psycho killers, sex-crazed teens, and dysfunctional families. This one thoroughly entertained me without one use of profanity and zero sex. Nice job.

It renewed in me, a boyish optimism about love that I thought had long departed. It also prompted me to contemplate how true love smooths out other existential decisions. When you're in love, you can accept your fate without wanting much more. Or so the film says.

Populate your evenings with films and values like this, and you'll live a blessed life.
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