Joyeux Noel (2005)
Made my ties towards my religion firmer...
28 June 2012
This film made my thoughts over the old Germany changed. Well I guess somewhere in my subconscious told me that these merciless enemy of the world during the old times were actually as knotted and determined like any other country would fight for their aspirations. Sadly there are millions who are caught in between the warring countries' ambitions and idealisms. And the complicatedly sad truth about it is that those who took part as pawns of the warring countries had in no way desired what they leaders wanted. They're mixed up, confused, longing for their families, scared, lonely and angry.

I had this film long before. I just let it sit in my collections not knowing the brilliance it carries. I only owned it in the first place because it's a highly rated foreign film whose translation of German title I don't even know. I had the chance, the isolation to watch this film and it give me the chills over the beauty of the truth I never thought had been part of world history. The film per se is superb. The cast, the settings, and the sounds everything, as typical as they are, but like I always wanted over a film, whether it is cliché or contentious the story stands out. It's totally new to me! Warring countries fraternizing with each other? I mean if you've first heard of it and idiot enough not to think it's clearly impossible to happen. But the instance each party experiences led them to form such truce. It's heartbreaking, bitter sweet, poignant, touching at its best and really beautiful. Indeed nothing more is despicable than those who never thought of the efforts and lives sacrificed for the country's best. The leaders as they may be as necessary as leading the entirety could be as appalling more than the enemy for putting their men in no-man's-land while joyfully feasting over their wealth and safety. I saw through the characters inner thoughts. It was indeed the beauty that led this film as better as it was. I saw "The Pianist" and "Schindler's List", compared the two and filled my thoughts of hatred over the old Germany. But not everything was it seems to be. This film made its light seems ridiculous, impossible but in anyway such impossibility is probable when you know a man's heart speaks truly than they're countries' will.

A worth of film certainly. It made me cling to my religion tighter than ever. But really there are those well in the church that seem to know so well but knows nothing at all being in the war could bring forth.
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