Review of Emissary

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Emissary (1993)
Season 1, Episode 1
From Wolf 359 to The Denorios Belt
10 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This series begins with something we have never seen: A Space Battle: Between The Borg and The Federation at Wolf 359. We get to see the saucer section of Admiral Hanson's Excelsior Class cruiser being vaporized by Locutus of Borg. Benjamin Sisko is a Lieutenant Commander on The Saratoga taking orders from a Vulcan (J. G. Hertzler) and the Bridge has been patched together to become a battle bridge. The Saratoga is a Miranda-Class ship like The Reliant from Star Trek II; it gets disabled and then destroyed in short order. Sisko's wife Jennifer (Felicia M. Bell) is killed. A Bolian Ensign drags Sisko away from the body and as he watches from an escape pod, Sisko's whole world is destroyed.

Three Years Later, Commander Sisko is assigned to the Bajoran Space Station. We get our first look at DS9 through the window of the ship Sisko and his son Jake (Cirroc Lofton) are traveling on: The Moment the Station is shown the music changes to incorporate strands from the theme of Deep Space Nine.

This intro is the only connection to The Next Generation we get; there is nothing else familiar, even O'Brien who we knew from TNG is wearing a new kind of Uniform for the space station. As Sisko walks through the station it seems that the bloody Cardies have left few things intact: there is junk piled everywhere, most of the systems offline.

Our first impression of Major Kira is to remind us of Ensign Ro (Michelle Forbes, who was offered the role but at the time did not want to commit to a seven year contract). And Nana Visitor does seem a lot like Ro, if something is bothering her she has no trouble telling us. Sisko makes the mistake of asking her, and he gets a bellyful before an alarm goes off in The Assayer's Office. A small Ferengi Child named "Nog" (Aaron Eisenberg) is robbing the place blind, with some Alien GangBanger. This is our introduction to "Odo" (Rene Aberjonois, of "Benson")-The thug tosses some nasty-looking spiked weapon at Odo's head which turns into Jelly and passes it right through!

Most of the merchants on the Promenade area of the station are leaving, and Sisko needs to get them to stay somehow. He uses the incident with Nog to force the cooperation of Quark, Ferengi owner of the Gambling Joint, who was packing up. Nog's incarceration forces him to stay and be "Community Leader!"-This is another thing not ever seen in any Trek before: A "Hooman", a Bajoran, an Unknown Alien Shapeshifter, and a Ferengi, all having a discussion: and from that moment it becomes the standard for seven years of Alien Crosstalk.

Sisko finally responds to a summons by Captain Picard, and his dislike of Picard is evident: Picard was Locutus, who caused the death of his wife. Picard gives him his orders: make Bajor ready for Federation Membership. But Sisko tells Picard he is considering leaving Starfleet, "In the Meantime" (This is a common ST Phrase, used in ST: VI by the Federation President)-He will do the job he was commanded to do. We see the worry on Picard's face and that his hand was in the picking of Sisko for this job.

We get to meet Kai Opaka, the spiritual leader of Bajor (Camille Savoilla), giving us an impression of ancient Spirituality. She is concerned for "The Prophets" and gives him the most sacred object of Bajor: The last remaining Orb (The Orb of Contemplation). She exposes him to it, and he is brought back to the day he met Jennifer on Gilgo Beach. It has come to me, that is was not a "Vision": Somehow he was actually brought there.

The final two Starfleet officers arrive: Dir. Bashir (Sid El Fadil) and Dax (Terry Farrell)-This was Sid's first television show and that freshness, that air of inexperience works well. He puts a huge foot in mouth when he tells Kira about "Frontier Medicine."

Sisko puts his "Old Friend" Dax to work (Jadzia is 28, but she has the memories of a 300 plus year old Trill Symbiote, plus those of Curzon Dax, Sisko's Mentor)-The Trill were given a "Specieslift" here, they were given Famke Jansen's Spots. Dax finds that the Orbs have come from The Denorios Belt: But they can't go looking because Gul Dukat, the former Cardassian overseer, is waiting for them to leave so they can follow. Kira creates a ruse to make the Cardassian's leave; Odo sneaks on to the Cardassian Ship and sabotages it. O'Brien has to KICK the Cardy Transporter to get Odo back.

Sisko and Dax find The Wormhole, the only Stable Wormhole known to exist, instantly making Bajor a commodity. The Prophets stop the runabout because they want to have a Tete-a-Tete with "The Sisko"

More things start happening: Ducat follows them in to the Wormhole and gets into trouble, more Cardies arrive, and the Station is moved to the wormhole. Kira, O'Brien and Dax (returned to the Station in an Orb Device) figure out how to move the station, and bluff a Cardy Gul.

Bajor gets The Wormhole and the Prophets agree to let them use it. Sisko tells Picard he changed his mind. Picard, knowing the officer he picked, never sent Sisko's request.

Picard should have been more involved with this series, but he was not The Emissary, it was always The Sisko. "Because it could be no one else" as Sisko's real mother tells him in Season 7.

In the whole seven year run, the story never swayed from what was laid down here. It was always Bajor and The Prophets, and the Emissary, Benjamin Sisko.
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