Breaking Bad: Dead Freight (2012)
Season 5, Episode 5
Incredible episode. And that ending...
13 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This episode really blew my mind. My heart was actually pumping in my ears for the entire last 20-25 minutes. It was exhilarating and exciting, and I couldn't take my eyes off of the screen. This episode is the best of Season 5 so far. I loved seeing Jesse come up with more great plans, he is really coming in to his own. Now for the ending...

SPOILERS: I am very conflicted with that ending. Throughout the episode, I was worried Todd would be killed/left behind/screwed over in some way by Walt because it seemed like something Walt could do to show he is really becoming evil. I thought maybe he would sacrifice Todd somehow to complete the methlamine transfer, or kill him for less witnesses or something. Vince Gilligan had warned this episode was shocking and/or mind-blowing for something that happens in it, and I was sure it would be Walt who shocked us. But no, it was Todd, shooting an innocent child who happened to be in the wrong place at the absolute worst time. I have re- watched that ending and thought it over and I am so excited to see how Jesse, Walt, Mike, and even Todd react to what he has done. Of course there was that scene where Walt looks menacingly down at Todd and makes sure he knows NO ONE can ever know about this, which is the only reason this child murder is not entirely unjust to me, at least from Todd's point of view.

Of course I think killing the boy is absolutely horrible and I hate Todd, but I'm looking at it from his point of view. There are some reasons I think it was a good idea for Todd to do this deplorable act: Mike made it very clear that Walt and Jesse were to be obeyed wholeheartedly and entirely by the Vamanos Pest crew, Todd included. So their orders, like 'make sure nobody ever knows about this', were just being followed. Then there's the fact that Todd may have been scared of the consequences should he be linked to a meth-manufacturing team and a train robbery, and he killed the kid so quickly in an act of self-defense and fear of the alternative. The cons, however, are many: there's the fact that he is now a murderer, of course, then the fact that the whole idea of the siphon/exchange system of the robbery was to ensure that no one was killed, (even though he may not have known that). Then there's the fact that Todd may have been too sure of himself and independent. There was already mention this season of Gus's murder of Victor, via box cutter to the neck. Walt had commented to Jesse that he had begun to understand further why he had done it, something along the lines of Victor taking too much authority and independence, where Gus was really the boss and Victor was stepping out of his role essentially. He was almost challenging Gus's power. Something similar happened here. Todd didn't await orders or ask for his bosses' permission. He just drew his weapon and shot a child to death. In fact Jesse even screamed "NO!" before he fired, so Todd theoretically could have stopped before he shot, but he continued anyway.

Jesse will undoubtedly be livid because a person, even worse a child, has been murdered because of them, and because, I'm sure, he feels Todd had no right to make that decision. Walt I'm less sure of, because he may even like how dedicated Todd was to following orders. On the other hand, as mentioned, Todd definitely stepped out of his role and acted on his own, almost challenging Walt's authority in an interesting parallel with Victor from the first episode of season 4. I don't think Todd will be around much longer, and from the look of the quick "next on Breaking Bad" set of clips at the end of the episode I think Mike will be angry as well, and something bad will happen to Todd, any way I look at it.

Anyway, very excited for next week. Best episode of season 5 yet. I'm off to buy it now, and get all exhilarated all over again.
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