outpost 2 review
28 August 2012
dreadful i would rather have my teeth pulled out by a monkey than ever watch this again.

huge fan of the 1st film its was low budget sure but it had a great cast there were well picked and the style and feel of the film was great very sort of David fincher tight and close it felt like a real place and real bunker a little light on action maybe but the script was simple and enjoyable and you could watch it more than once and happily keep it on the DVD shelf.

BUT this was total junk, full of holes including... some woman doing something is she some kind of war criminal chaser ??? who they hell cares. then some guy joins her is he the bad guy is he the hero who cares. a typical cheap sequel like AVP2 with the over the top army getting involved scenes and poor action and no real explanation for anything at all and why the hell do these zombies now scream like mad ?? i have to turn the volume down on then screaming i don't remember them screaming like 70s bmovie zombies in the last one so what the hells going on. the cast are cheap wannabes to look almost like the last cast and again who cares about them, no character build up no real story as to why anything is going on, and why is there a crazy old zombie lady with a huge rack limping around ? its poor the director will never work again.

a poor poor remake in fact if they had brought this to my house to review i would have hit them with an ashtray.

junk total junk avoid all day long
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