This ain't exactly what you might expect Joel McCrea to have made.
29 August 2012
When "Cry Blood, Apache" starts, you see the words 'Special Guest Star--Joel McCrea' splash across the screen. What, exactly, is a special guest star in a movie?! Oh well....you also see McCrea riding his horse and then reminiscing about something that had happened long ago. His role really is very limited--a tiny spot to introduce the film. It's also interesting to see that in this LONG flashback, Jody plays Joel as a young man.

The flashback begins with a group of grubby white guys hanging out with some American-Indians. They're partying and acting friendly when suddenly, one of them kills one of the natives--and a killing frenzy begins. It seems these white guys want the Indians' gold...and to molest their women. Among the killers, only Pitcalin seems to perhaps be a decent man--a decent man caught up with a bunch of cut-throats. In addition to Pitcalin, there also is a lone native who comes upon the dead and vows revenge. He spends the rest of the film tracking them and planning on taking them out one at a time--and Pitcalin lends him some help in the process. This sort of plot was a HUGE departure from classic westerns, that's for sure--especially with its theme of rape and nudity.

Despite the very salacious plot, the film is amazingly dull. The acting is also pretty amateurish and the film has little to offer. It's not a terrible movie--but I soon found myself losing interest and the payoff just didn't merit wasting this much of my life on the movie. Not horrible...just not good in any way.

By the way, the Deacon (Jack Starrett) also directed this film. Also, you can assume Jody McCrea wasn't thrilled with the film, as he retired from filmmaking after this movie. Also, I have a few words about the DVD. The print is in really rough shape--degraded and faded. Also, a TMG is emblazoned across the screen periodically--perhaps in an effort to protect the film against unauthorized copying. However, who would want to copy this film and who would bother to enforce the copyright?! After all, this is a grade-D production at best.
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