Bikini Bandits (2002 Video)
A moronic T & A show disguised as a satire of a moronic T & A show
9 September 2012
Stephen Grasse, the genius between "The Evil Empire: Why I hate the British", a racist tract popular with ignorant bigots, produces a mindless T & A show which, with the use of some brief and totally un-witty cameos from punk legends like Dee Dee Ramone and Jello Biafra of the Dead Kennedys and juvenile jabs at authority figures, attempts to fake a deeper undercurrent. You might call it the "thinking teenagers spank film", because it does just enough to make you think you're not just staring at big silicone breasts swaying under cheap bikini tops, or plastic rayguns bought for 3 for a $1 clutched in hands with even cheaper manicures.

In short: it's a great film, if you're terminally stupid.
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