Another Emily Watson Triumph
28 October 2012
After conquering stage and screen and making them her own with a talent both exquisite and overwhelming, Ms. Emily Watson assaults the small screen and is once again victorious. She is absolutely stunning as she assays the role of Janet Leech, interpreting a character so sublimely that it takes the breath away from the unprepared casual viewer who is somehow unaware of Ms. Watson's incredible acting genius. Ordinairly, she alone would make this film a personal gem in her crown but she bows to the rest of the cast and humbly assists them in giving performances well worth her association. Watson inspires others to greatness, as she almost did even with Adam Sandler in Punch-Drunk love. In that film, neither her lovely presence and creative power could quite achieve the impossible with Sandler. However, what she does with the more substantial material of West here and with a brilliant script is amazing. She was awarded the BAFTA for her accomplishment and of course lost the EMMY to a Hollywood airhead tootsie of limited ability but a casting couch regular. True magisterial talent is usually unrecognized by Oscar and EMMY and the outrage one feels at Watson having neither been awarded the recognition she more than deserves speaks for itself. More than an outrage, it is a disgusting and repellent act of ignorance and cowardice for her to have ever left any ceremony empty-handed. Britain, however, could not in this case turn their eyes away from a performance so powerfully moving, a performance that will live for all time, and define the artistry of a gifted, supreme actor. Emily Watson's performance in Appropriate Adult is one of the finest ever recorded on film and will forever serve as an example of the national treasure she continues to be as she assays one brilliant role after another. This is simply not to be missed by anyone appreciative of an artist at the pinnacle of her career and a beautiful genius whose very presence is beyond price. Emily Watson is a rare gift to literate theater and film audiences everywhere and the finest actor of her own generation as well as all others.
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