Review of The Dawning

The Dawning (1988)
For Anthony Hopkins Fans Only
17 November 2012
In the minor genre of films about the Irish Revolution, there is a very small sub-genre of romances projected on to the backdrop of the Troubles. The best of these is of course "Ryan's Daughter", the average is "Cal" and the absolute worst is this turkey, "The Dawning." TD treats the huge turmoil of Ireland during the War of Independence as fodder for the self-absorption of a ditsy eighteen-yr-old. The script makes a big point early in the film about how much the heroine resents being considered immature, and then spends the rest of the movie showing that's exactly what she is. Frankly, she comes off as being more like a high school girl than a young woman about to leave for college. I got tired of this character very quickly, and soon found myself getting bored every time Hopkins wasn't on the screen. It did occur to me to wonder if the writer had written the character this way deliberately but if so, it was a very odd dramatic strategy; there was no real growth in the girl over the course of the movie.

The one bright spot in TD is Anthony Hopkin's performance which is pretty good (especially considering how little he had to work with). If you're a big fan of AH, this flick might be worth your time; otherwise, give it a miss.
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