Review of Skyfall

Skyfall (2012)
Not impressed
23 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Don't understand the high ratings for this movie. I found Skyfall to be predictable, boring, and sad in its roteness. So many plot points come out of the need to cater to the ignorant and slow viewer, it is unbelievable that this was made in a post-Bourne Identity world. (The Bourne Trilogy - it will remain a trilogy to me as I refuse to see the most recent potboiler - should have shown Hollywood that viewers have brains and appreciate a plot that requires small leaps of faith... unfortunately, this film insults, rather than has faith in the viewer).

Spoiler: For example, in the final sequence where Silva is looking for Bond, M, and Kincade, Finney's character uses a flashlight to find the chapel on Skyfall's property, when there is plenty of available light and no flashlight is needed. This makes it easy for Silva to find them when he is looking around to see if anyone has survived the blast. This was totally unnecessary. The writers could have easily just shown the chapel by itself, which would have been enough. These types of insults pepper the entire film. This should not have been a James Bond movie.
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