Decent Christmas Special
18 December 2012
A Flintstone Family Christmas (1993)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

Decent short has Fred and Barney being held up by a young orphan who has always been in trouble with the law. Wilma feels sorry for the kid and invites him back to their house for Christmas but Fred doesn't like the kid at all but overtime they become buds. A FLINTSTONE FAMILY Christmas isn't nearly as good as some of the early episodes and specials that dealt with the holiday. Overall I think fans of the show are going to be somewhat disappointed because this special is just missing a certain quality that made the earlier stuff so special. With that said, this here isn't too bad but I think the biggest problem is that the kid is just so annoying. Not once did I like this kid and I really didn't care for his transformation as the picture went along. Perhaps I'm being too harsh on a cartoon but this was a big part of the story and it just didn't work for me. I also thought some of the jokes were a little flat, especially for a Christmas special as there's even a joke about Charlie Mansonstone. Try explaining that to the kids if they ask.
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