Very funny in unintended ways
27 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Michael Biehn fighting the Antichrist! Remember 1984's The Terminator, where Mike was content with fighting a time-traveling killer robot with an Austrian accent? That plot of that movie seems SO much more plausible and realistic now that I've spent a very funny afternoon watching 'Omega Code 2'! Indeed, it was so funny that I had to write my first IMDb review ever!

But what can I say that that other reviewers haven't said before? Here we truly have it all – a ludicrous ultra-Bible-literalist end-time scenario, unabashed American jingoism, patricide, a pathetic love triangle, cheesy CGI, and even lazy historical errors (the ignorant scriptwriters have Stone 'Satan' Alexander accepting a post in the European Union in 1976, a full seventeen years before the union even existed!)

We follow Damien ... er, Stone from his childhood, when he is duly possessed by Satan and spends the rest of the movie (d)evolving into the Antichrist, the world dictator who finally establishes that perpetual dread of right-wing conspiracy theorists: The One World Government! Brrr! Luckily, the President of the 'God-blessed United States of America' (sic!) refuses to go along with the plan. Not-so-luckily, Stone quickly disposes of him with a supernaturally induced heart attack.

Still, this allows Vice President Biehn to assume full authority, and a lot of screen time is wasted on setting him up as the great hero who will save the day in the end. You can call this a spoiler if you must: The time is indeed wasted, for ultimately Biehn's character does NOTHING of any significance! He is last seen staring stupidly into the sky when Armageddon comes and the 'Nazarene' abysses Stone-gone-silly-CGI-Satan. (Yes, we're talking horns and leathery wings here!)

A devil so incompetent that he avails himself of the hammy Antichrist seen in this movie does deserve to lose the eschatological battle. In the off-chance that the fundamentalists are on to something, I would expect the real deal to be slightly more subtle than standing before thousands of people and declaring something to the effect: "Ahh-y am your GOD!!! Worship ME!"

Three stars, every single one of them for unintended comedic value.
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