Review of Legit

Legit (2013–2014)
Horrible script and acting.
26 January 2013
This is not worth your time. I can't even imagine why this is classified as comedy. The actors are horrible, aside from DJ Quells who does OK like always. But the script is what makes this series even more difficult to like. Combined together, the bad acting and the poorly delivered lines only makes you wonder how these people can really get paid for doing this. I'm really just filling up lines here, because IMDb requires 10 lines for a review. I don't think I've written many reviews, only when the show/movie is really bad, or really good. This one is about a really bad show to which I wished was better reviewed to have avoided wasting my time on the first 2 episodes.

Do yourself a favour, and skip this show, it won't be on TV for long anyway.
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