Don, Peggy and Ann Blyth sing, dance, fight, and romance
2 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Both Don O'Connor and 16 y.o old Ann Blyth are cast as 3rd generation wannabes in their respective family professions of naval officers and actress/ singers. Naturally, they serendipitously meet on a train and immediately strike up a liking for each other, after an initial misunderstanding. Peggy Ryan is Don's frustrated wannabe official girlfriend, whom he brushes off in front of Ann when they meet. The two older generations of each family had unsatisfactory romantic dalliances with each other. Thus, Ann's mother and grandmother are determined that Ann won't make the same mistake with Don. Naturally, their efforts ultimately prove futile, though they make for melodrama in the meanwhile.

Poor Peggy! Obviously, she and Don were made for each other as relates to their comedic and dance personas, both having grown up on stage in vaudeville families.They were the teenage, musical, mixed sex equivalent of Universal's popular older Abbott and Costello comedy team, and an alternative to MGM's slightly older Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland vaudevillian team. But, in nearly every one of the films they did together, except the last, Peggy was typecast as Don's 'side dish': great for having good times together, but not a serious candidate for his future wife. She simply came across as not pretty enough, too wild and crude, and too scatterbrained to be the leading lady, not to mention her somewhat squeaky voice: succinctly summarized in her wild "Rude, Crude, and Unattractive" number with Don, in the previous "Mr. Big". In this respect, she suffered the fate of rather similar contemporary musical comedians Martha Raye and Nancy Walker. Thus, noted juvenile songstresses with operatic singing voices and 'good girl' typecasting were usually cast as Don's 'official' girlfriend in this film series. Initially, Gloria Jean filled this role. Then, in a series of films released in late '43 and '44, either blond Suzanna Foster or brunette Ann Blyth took her place.

This was Ann Blyth's first film role, at age 16, and she seemed quite confident as the 'official' leading lady. However, as expected, Peggy steals the show with her uninhibited pursuit of Don, and her 3 song and dance routines with Don. The first one, about half way through, is done to "Is It Good or Bad?" (for a boy and girl to kiss), including a zany dance and chase scene in an informal setting. The second one starts with the pair sitting down singing "I Gotta Give My Feet a Break". The break isn't long, as they dance a bit before 'magically' transforming into mimics of Fred Astaire and partner, in tux and fancy dress attire, ballroom dancing on a mirrored floor, with ornate background. The third one, near the end, has them singing and dancing, along with presumably the 'Jivin' Jacks and Jills', as comical pirates(this being a show for the naval academy). The finale follows, with a sing by the 3 stars to a modified version of "Is It Good or Bad?", with Don getting kissed by both, who have by now accepted their status as equals in Don's present romantic life.

Don begins the film with a comical skit and song, wearing an archaic style navy uniform, put on for the benefit of the naval academy he was attending. A bit later, Don and Ann take turns singing "Mighty Nice to Have Met You", a pleasant romantic ballad, while on the train where they met. Later, in informal settings, Ann solos "Love is Like Music", and "My Song".

In her second film with Don and Peggy: "The Merry Monahans", released later in '44, Ann and Don again serendipitously meet on a train and, again, their parents had once been a romantic pair. That film had many more stage acts, as Don and Peggy play a vaudeville team. But, the routines are often short, often too short for my liking. Again, due to adult interference, Don and Ann have trouble maintaining their romantic connection, but succeed in the end. I recommend checking out both films, which now are viewable at You Tube, the present one in 8 segments, while "The Merry Monahans" is in one piece. I won't be upset if you prefer the latter film, which includes the added bonus of Jack Oakie as the vaudevillian father of Don's and Peggy's characters.
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