Review of Drive

Drive (1997)
The good Drive film
13 February 2013
Not to be confused with the boring artsy movie with the same title . This Drive came first and has all the entertainment value the other Drive lacks . While this direct to video action/comedy won't blow anyones mind, it definitely delivers the goods for action. Drive is very fast paced Hong Kong styled action movie . Actor/martial artist Mark Dacascos is on the run from a rogue government corporation from Hong Kong that want to recover a bio energy module placed in his chest. He kidnaps Kadeem Hardinson to drive him to LA and remove /sell the module for 5 million dollars.In the process of getting to their destination they are pursued by a bad guy that looks like Ted Nugent and there are lots of fine choreographed fights and John Woo styled shootouts.As far as direct to video action flicks go , Drive is better than most. Mark Dacascos is very under rated as well and deserves more larger , wide release film projects.
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