Crysis 3 (2013 Video Game)
Crysis 2 was better.
9 March 2013
I remember being so excited for Crysis 2, I had high hopes for it, I was not disappointed. I would go as far to say it is the most visually impressive game I have ever played. The campaign was pretty long, which was appreciated. The multi-player was horrible, I played it for 2 hours, and it had some of the worst hit detection and lag ever, well Black ops 2 takes that place now. The single player was where it was at, it was well worth the price tag. But unfortunately this game didn't have what made Crysis 2 great, lets get into that.

The Game: The previous instalment took at least 10 or so hours to complete, and I enjoyed every moment of it. This game is much shorter and was rather boring. It is great to see New York turned into a jungle,, but other than that the game visuals haven't improved, at least on the PS3. The first mission of this game ran at a outstanding 10 frames per second, it worried me into thinking the whole game was going to be like that, luckily it didn't. The game gives you much more power than before, but it is damper-ed by enemies that can see you in the long grass in a darker area, how on earth could they see you there, that was pretty annoying. The only notable musical score is in the main title screen, but it is a very short song, I had to go on you tube to find a longer edit of the song. The campaign is no-where near as good as it was in Crysis 2.

The multi-player: This shouldn't take long. It sucks, the closet thing I compare it to is Killzone 3, but Killzone 3 is miles better than this. I was looking forward to this, Call of Duty and Battlefield drive me insane, I needed something new. The character movements are flawless, I'll give them that. I am around level ten, so I got crap for perks and weapons, so I just get hammered on. The game is fun when invisibility is not encountered. Invisibility ruins the whole experience, they need to get a new play-list without it, just like Elpresador said. This games multi-player is extremely boring, at least in TDM, you spend more time searching than you do fighting. I would play different games modes, but there only seems to be 700 people on at any given time. It lacks staying power, unlike the other three game series I mentioned.

Don't I feel like an idiot, forget some of the stuff I just said, TDM sucks and I realize that. The Crash site game mode is where it's at, now stealth and armour are pivotal to the game play. I just played four matches of it and got MVP for points all four times, I love it. If you like objective game modes I recommend this. Too bad it is ruined by loser k/d chumps that camp the objective, Aaahhh.... this game sucks, real bad.

I would recommend renting it first, just in case.
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