They ought to ship that dyke back to Holland!
13 March 2013
The film features Swedish actress Pia Degermark, who destroyed a promising career by appearing in it. Instead of stardom, she eventually ended up homeless and sent to prison. Sometimes poor choices have disastrous consequences. She plays a dual role as an actress who inherits a castle and her grandmother.

Degermark is not the only one to see the inside of a prison, as Ingrid van Bergen spent seven years inside for manslaughter. Maybe a curse of the vampire.

There is a bit of comedy mixed with the vampire horror. The Baroness (Degermark playing as her grandmother) likes to flash her big naturals at the monks praying next door. Of course some monks spy on the girls school. And Josef (Yvor Murillo) spends the whole movie trying to drive a stake in the heart of the Baroness.

Plenty of big naturals to distract from the silly script.
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