Half baked, poorly researched, melodramatic and laughable.
14 March 2013
Oh boy.

Watch a few of Jesse Ventura's debates, and you'll see that he has a hard time dealing with anyone challenging his facts, and he often will tell you you're wrong, pretty much because he said so.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree here. It IS entertaining and slickly made, but it's about as fictional and one-sided as it gets. You're basically listening to Jesse give his many paranoid (and poorly researched) crackpot theories an hour of unopposed banter.

Jesse has also flip flopped on if this show is a "documentary" or "entertainment" (basically depending on how much shaky ground he's on when asked). The "experts" are highly suspect, and it gives "eyewitness" accounts a baffling 100% credibility rate.

What makes the show hard to swallow is the OVERWHELMING narcissism of The Governor. He basically couches himself as the head of The Mission Impossible Team, as well as its loose cannon and muscle (Jesse, you're still a huge guy but the tough guy act doesn't work like it did before you were pushing 60). In fact, the whole "crack team" seem to be random goofs with no credentials whatsoever.

And THAT is probably the most fictional part of all.
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