Mirrors 2 (2010 Video)
dull, boring, and quite annoying
25 March 2013
I have seen a good deal of movies and have never before felt an urge like this to write a review up on here. Im spending time writing this short little review so that anyone who considered watching this movie thinks twice before spending his own invaluable time like I did.

The first Mirrors movie was great and I genuinely enjoyed it. It was a fairly new concept, a good thought out plot accompanied by some great effects and some good acting. The follow up... sigh*

Mirrors 2 is truly terrible, a masterpiece of a crap horror movie. It seems to me the director is a man who despises the horror genre. There is absolutely no thought put into this movie. The acting is stone cold awful with zero emotion. The plot is a nanometer thick, and the writing horrific (not in a good way). At some points some of the characters seem to be plotting something of their own agenda when in reality they turn out to have no special role in the movie at all and die in the next scene. The effects of the movie were awkward, and actually made the movie less scary. I actually lol'd at one point. I can't believe the sequel was made 2 years after the original. Judging by the effects, the original seems at least 5 years older.

The movie holds no true horror - just brainless gore, one scene after the other. Without spoiling anything this movie has many plot holes and logical problems that will leave the even slightly intelligent ones of us annoyed.

This movie might be scary only through its unpleasantness to some people who tend to never watch horror. To those of us however who genuinely enjoy horror movies (good movies in general), this movie will just be dull, boring, and fairly annoying. Don't waste your time and look up another movie to watch. If you have not yet seen the first Mirrors and have somehow stumbled onto the sequel, I do recommend taking a peak at the first one. In any case, I guarantee you will find a better watch.
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