Ill Manors (2012)
Plan B's filmmaking debut
28 March 2013
From the mind of the bloke otherwise known as Plan B comes this sprawling saga about the seediest bunch of misanthropes you would never wish to know, and a London you won't find on the tourist map full of druggies, human trafficking and kebab shops. It's not a pretty sight, and Mr Drew deserves credit for not shying away from the tiniest detail in his quest to seek out the sick underbelly of our Capital City. He is also responsible for turning it into somewhat of a gangsta-type musical, with rap songs by him along the way which are efficient at advancing the plot, but I don't think would be worth a relisten on the soundtrack CD.

The formula of following a few characters at once until their fates collide has been done since time immemorial, or at least Quentin Tarantino. Here, we get the standard flashbacks that introduce us to the main people, and after that the cocktail of sex, bad language and babynapping(!) begins. It's by no means perfect, with a bit of overacting going on and in parts being either OTT or simply a bit dull. But it's made in an admirable rambunctious style, and you get an inkling that Plan B really does care about the social conscience of Great Britain (Not so great these days, though)
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