Sadly, a great story idea that is undone by poor acting and a VERY talky script.
12 April 2013
"The Creation of the Humanoids" is a very low budget film. The costumes are pretty cheap (with many folks much like Confederate Civil War soldiers), the sets minimal and the actors all unknowns. But, the plot is very inventive and could have worked even with these shortcomings--too bad the acting and dialog were so bad that the film became difficult to watch. It's a shame, as I could see the basis for some later movies and TV shows in this--including "Star Trek", "Terminator" and "Battlestar Galactica"!

The film is set in the future--a future where there are HUGE numbers of amazingly lifelike robots. However, they have skin like Smurfs and talk a bit robotically--so most humans (aside from those from the Order of Flesh and Blood) accept them as a boon. The robots make life very easy for us--and take care of our every need. Like seems very good to most. However, the robots have a secret--they're a lot more advanced than people think and are making robots who look and think like humans--and society might be inundated with them.

The neat idea of robots who might be a threat to mankind is pretty good--especially since the film predates so many other similar films. But the acting and robotic talk (of both the humans AND robots!) make this about as dull as they could make it. Too bad. It has a lot of great ideas but manages to make the film a chore to finish.
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