Review of Ape

Ape (2012)
If you get it, you get it
26 April 2013
lucky enough to catch this weird little gem at VIFF (vancouver fest). low budget and surreal, with humor that you'll either get, or won't. Nothing here is too obvious or direct. I actually thought a lot of the jokes the main character tells are pretty damn funny. The lead character Trevor is a lot like Travis Bickle from Taxi Driver, too. Great performance.

The director obviously doesn't like the "mtv" style of editing or using flashy camera tricks. Its all very "real" feeling and mundane. There's no romance of big sad or dramatic moments. I don't even remember hearing a traditional score. Just some really cool punk, metal, and hip hop songs that the lead character hears. It's like we're directly inside his head. Very cool choice and something I don't remember seeing before.

Hopefully it will come out in the US soon, or at least back to Canada!
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