The Zombie King will become a B Movie Cult Classic
2 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Before I go into my review, lets get something straight I have given this movie a 10/10 on the basis that I really enjoyed this film as a viewer looking at it from the off set as a B Movie

Filming an Indie film there are time constraints, money constraints and lack of top of the range equipment, props etc

The filmmakers obviously put a lot of thought into the production, from the costume to locations. The zombie make-up for our day and age could of been better done but let's go back to the day of 'Night of the Living Dead' 1968 'George A. Romero', the zombie's here had the pale sunken in features and nobody questioned that. I can see what the director was going for here, which again brings this film forward to a Cult B Movie.

Picking up on some of the negative user reviews I have read, take your time to stand back and think about what you have wrote, this is not a serious film, it's a farcical comedy even from the offset ' A Milk Man, Post Man and Traffic Warden' in a middle of a zombie breakout, there right from the start you know what to expect from this film. The one liners are going to be strange like the old lady character, 'Vera'. The Milk Man has some amazing lines which I reckon the younger generation will be quoting after they watch the film. In one of the reviews I read the postie character had done a bad Clint Eastwood impression, come on guys, the actor obviously did this on purpose to fit the style of the film and in my point of view he did a grand job, come on' "when I first joined the service, I worked on the estates in Newcastle" what Brit person over the age of 20 can not find that funny? Again in the same vain the character of the Priest fits this film perfectly the way the actor played it out, the ever knowing drunk priest, priceless. I felt there was a great mix of characters, some better than others but all in all a great ensemble.

This film does have its faults even from my perspective but what B movie doesn't? I loved it, great effort from first time feature director 'Aidan Belizaire'. The director uses elements from the 'French New Wave' from lighting, to long takes, through to the segmented re-use of the scene with Edward Furlongs character, which was genius. It was his stylistic approach, again this helps towards this movie standing out and entering into a Cult Classic, not to mention having two of the biggest child star actors of the 80's.

The filmmakers of this film obviously didn't want it to be your everyday zombie film, which the market is completely over saturated with. They wanted to make it different, which they did. Don't watch this film as a full on horror, watch it as a comedy.

This film will certainly not win any awards, and by the looks of it, it's a love hate thing. For a B movie it's certainly more entertaining, more thought out than a lot of the other indie zombie films which are hitting our shelves these day's .

One further point before I finish, great ending and homage to one of greatest classic's of George A. Romero.
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