a different type of show you can identify with
2 June 2013
I used to always rely on IMDb for movie and series critics. However the critics have become less objective and more like personal opinions without any fundament.

When I sat to watch the pilot for the second time I described it to my sister like this: "A show where three siblings have to compete in a game their dead father created to earn the money he left. Only one will win." She didn't seem very interested but gave it a shot. At the very end she thanked me and said the show was very interesting and fun. So I am not only speaking for myself here.

Yes, the characters are stereotypes. Yes, a lot of cliché here. Yes, it is not a stupid non fundamented comedy that will make you laugh to tears. But, for those looking for smart fun but not funny, feel good, deja vou type of series, then you won't be disappointed. I describe this as a series that will keep you interested and wondering what's going to happen, who will be the winner, who will quit, etcetera. A series that will make you feel familiar with all the time. A series where there is at least one character you identify with. A series you will learn how to love. Wait, did I just describe "How I Met Your Mother"? That's because The Goodwin Games share the same executive producers of this series, so don't give up on it just yet.
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