Does not deserve a G rating.
14 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start out by saying that when I was a little kid my parents were very careful to keep me and my sister from being exposed to anything remotely related to witchcraft. They wouldn't even let us watch Pokemon or read Harry Potter. So I have no idea why they got this movie for us on VHS.

First off, if you are a Christian, do not let your kids see this movie. The main idea of this movie is essentially that the way to get rid of an evil spirit is just to "care" enough, which is obviously not what the Bible teaches.

Second, even if your family isn't religious, your kids have no business watching this movie. Either they will be creeped out by it, in which case they are too young (like I said, the "G" rating is complete bullis**t), or they will not be creeped out by it, in which case they are too old or too mature to be wasting their time on this mindless drivel.

Not only this movie, but the entire Care Bears franchise is an insult to any one who has suffered at all in life. Don't let your kids watch the care bears movie or the TV show. Buying them the toys or the greeting cards is fine, but keep them away from the animated series. Care Bears has no educational or moral value. The whole theme of the entire Care Bears franchise is that all your problems will just go away if only you and your friends just "Care" enough. American Greetings, if you're reading this, than all I have to say to you is try telling that to the the little kid who just lost a friend to cancer, or the kid who's dog just got put to sleep.

There are some who would defend this movie as being just harmless fun even if they do acknowledge that it doesn't have a very strong moral foundation. To that I say, first of all, anyone over age 4 will be bored to tears over this intelligence-insulting movie. It is not fun, and as for me, I have no fond nostalgic memories of the Care Bears series. Second, little kids need to be learning how to be effectively dealing with the problems life throws their way, and learning that "Caring" isn't always enough. They also need to learn the harsh realities of life, like the fact that holding hands and standing in a circle with your friends shouting "We Care!" over and over again will not bring your dead grandmother back.

Have your kids watch Arthur instead. It's fit for all ages, doesn't condescend to children, and is willing to confront the every day struggles and suffering that all kids go through.
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