Facerea lumii (1971)
end of a world, birth of other
18 June 2013
after years, important is only the cast. Clody Bertola,Liviu Ciulei, Colea Răutu, Irina Petrescu. and memories about a time like a bulldozer. a clear, precise film. about changes of Romanian society, love, illusions and fight against past of communism. few beautiful images. few memorable moments. and force of acting. film of a period, subtle form of propaganda, it remains an important meeting. in the skin of same atmosphere - profound - subtle - boring in some measure, with gray dialogs, it can be a relic. or seed of memories. it is difficult to say if it is a good film because it remains part of a period sensitivity. but, in same time, it is more than a picture of lost circle. it is invitation to a trip in heart of different perception of reality. or, just, a refuge.
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