2012: Doomsday (2008 Video)
I know why only a 1.8 rating
30 June 2013
I know why this movie which I enjoyed a lot received only a 1.8 rating and that is because most of the people who reviewed it are I'm very sorry to say ignorant atheists and so didn't like it because it was sort of a religious drama and not the action/thriller they thought it was also there was no bad language or adult situations like sex or drug taking or people killing people. I feel sorry for them and pray for their souls. You don't see air but you feel it and you breathe it so it's there right? So why have you stopped believing just because some religious documents sound untrue. What a bunch we live with. I usually do not watch anything that Asylum, has done or has it's hands on but this was a very enjoyable movie well worth a look for us believers.
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