Disappointing - Pair De
5 July 2013
I saw this movie last might and my 12 year old son and my wife. We are Depp fans even before Disney made him big and very rich. But in spite of our rose tinted glasses from Depp love this film is disappointing, very...

First of all what was the point of old Tonto and the boy dialogs, too much and lost its effect after the third scene. Also in the closing title scene, even though Armie may have been paid a pittance compared to Depp, credit him in the same line as Depp. Tonto means stupid in Spanish although Tonto in Potowami means wild one but the Potowamis are in Michigan/Wisconsin

Native American sensibilities. I have been reading a lot of blogs about this and first I though it was just bitterness from some very jealous people. Not really. The dead raven as a headgear is very insulting and the explanation came very much later. Comanches were mostly in Oklahoma, plains people not in Utah.

In this globalized market where many films use a non English dialogue sometimes even not subtitled, why not let Depp monologues be in Comanche? Instead of the insulting pidgin English or be representative of how Native Americans speak English today.

In the action and fantasy department this one even with a quarter billion budget fell short. If you are riding on the coattails of the Pirate franchise you need to deliver on that as well.

Comedy --- okay Depp made me laugh, but many times it is on the expense of Native American stereotyping. Only two women with a maybe 10 lines max and Ruth Wilson lips had so much botox it looked hideous. Really botox in the 1800's?

The Comanche back story really fell short. Either completely make something up or tell the truth. I think in this day and age, you cannot really tell of the native American Indian tragedies and whitewash the pain.

The Lone Ranger character build up was also half-done and the self realization of who he was came very late in the movie. I mean the movie should show some Lone Ranger bad-ass.

I think if you want to retell this then you have to do it beyond the confines of a summer blockbuster but maybe something in the R rating.
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