Atlantic Rim (2013 Video)
Steaming pile of poopie.
12 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler alert!! This movie sucks! Its horrible just like any cheap B rated knock off of a summer blockbuster would. I mean why bother with making up your own story lines when you can just copy the basic premises of a movie thats already coming out. Think of it like this. Some dude at scifi was sitting on his couch hitting the bong and saw the trailer for Pacific Rim. And said "huh huh dude, We should totally do that. " and the screenwriter was there with him and was like. "LOL yeah dude. Pass that bong." and the first dude was like "No man I mean a movie like that. We can even call it Atlantic Rim and then people will get confused and think its the cool one that they spent 100's of millions of dollars producing and marketing. And we can get paid!!" and the 2nd dude then said. "hellz yeah. We don't even have to bother with a screenplay. just copy that $4!t! OK now pass that bong bro." And then 3 weeks and 20 b-g rated actors and a bunch of low rate Chinese CGI and we have "ATLANTIC RIM(job)" Seriously. this movie is a wad. Horrible horrible acting. Everyone looked like they weren't quite sure where they should be standing or saying. Over the top illogical bravado from everyone. there's one scene where everyone in the town is magically dead except one father who is wandering back and forth in a 30' space looking for his daughter who he knows is in the building he is standing in front of but instead of going in and saving her just walks around calling to her looking lost and confused. the human element was missing from this movie. you couldn't connect to any characters, they had no depth beyond their bios that were likely written by a toddler. In the end the "good guys" kill the monstors and the hero gets the girl or the guy. I forget what way he wound up going. He and his sidekick had a special relationship they didn't really go into.....
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