If you like porn , you will like this movie
18 July 2013
There is as much story in "American ninja 2" as in a porn movie . The story is simple – bad guy wants to conquer the world with his army of ninjas . Michael Dudikoff and Steve James must stop him. That's it. It makes the first movie look like "Chinatown" by comparison. At least there was some attempt at story there.

The non-fight scenes are short , too short . "AN2" quickly becomes a marathon of non stop fights . If you're in a mood for action movie with lot of action and little of story , this one is for you. For me it was too mind numbing .

I've enjoyed the first one for it's trash quality . It was cheesy and full of mistakes , but enjoyable . This sequel lacks the charm of original . The love story was much more believable in the first one. Here it seems like "let's put some romance , because people like it".

Michael Dudikoff is in it (he will appear once more in the forth movie). The music is nice , but overused. The chase scene with car and ninja is pure comedy gold. There are some moments that will make you laugh .

I give it 2/10 . Still , it's better than third one and the rest of sequels.
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