So Raw So Real
18 July 2013
The Decade of the Fifties was not a friendly time for Liberals or as they were sometimes called Reformers. Hollywood was at its most Conservative and everyone just wanted to Chill and reap the benefits of winning the War and anyone who criticized anything about American Life was considered a Traitor, Commie, or at the very least uncooperative or unappreciative.

This was way ahead of the upcoming JD (Juvenile Delinquent) Movies and the Genre had not yet been invented. But this was a much more Heady Film and was very serious in its attempt to shed some light on the corrupt and Evil Penal System.

It is just so much better than it should be, containing some really raw stuff both shown and implied. The Directing and Acting are as good as any Major Production and it has a sting and a resonance that belied its humble roots.

A rarely mentioned Movie this one is not to be missed and has very few flaws and dared the Censors. It pushes everything to the limit in its attempt to show how maybe a Humanistic approach, at least to Young troubled Teenage Girls, is a much better method that could attain more results than the brutal, insensitive, exploitive, and sadistic technique that was the status quo and was not very successful.

It is a realistic, uncompromising Film and should not be forgotten or ignored. It even has some beautiful young Cast Members that would find enduring Careers.
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