The Darker Side of Terror (1979 TV Movie)
Surprisingly Enthralling And Frightening
28 July 2013
If you have a chance give this movie a look and you'll be pleasantly surprised.

I'm only giving it 10 stars to improve its overall average. Actually it deserves a 6.

The production quality is OK for 70s TV. It's the story and characters which really draw you in and don't let go. It seems like no second of the film is wasted.

The plot: Dr. Robert Forester is a happily married successful university scientist who's met one dark and stormy night in an abandoned science laboratory by an old friend and introduced to his secret experiments in violations of the laws of man and God, clones! All building up to his macabre masterpiece, a human clone growing artificially inside a cathode! Worse yet, to gain Forester's trust and secrecy the clone is of Forester himself! Forester is disgusted and refuses to participate in any way. That is until Forester's promising career is stolen from him by a rival professor. Now the clone project is his only chance at scientific glory.

Complications in the cloning project force them to super grow the clone to full Forester adulthood and computer program it with his intelligence.

Just like Dr. Frankenstein they plan to debut the clone before the university. But the clone runs amuck in the 70s disco scene. Posing as Forester he easily picks up his pretty young students and rapes and murders them. He even sleeps with Forester's wife.

This is sort of like 'The Darker Side of Multiplicity.' Having your own clone could easily become a bad thing.
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