The Needle (1988)
This Kazakh new wave film by Rashid Nugmanov continues to be a profound influence on viewers.
30 July 2013
The mere presence of a celebrity is not enough to guarantee commercial as well as critical success of a film. A good film should also possess content, depth and form. Kazakh director Rashid Nugmanov made history of sorts in 1987 when he made "Igla" during the heyday of Glasnost and Perestroika in former Russia. At this juncture, it would be right if one mentions that we need to eternally thank Russian leader Mr. Mikhail Gorbachev for those bold initiatives which were instrumental in making freedom an attainable dream for countless young Russian people. It is true that Igla refers to a needle but the entire film is not a tragic discourse about drug addiction in Russia as on an official level drug addiction did not exist at all in Russia. It was considered a purely western phenomenon. In Igla we get a chance to see that director Rashid Nugmonov has shot a film which speaks more about the myth surrounding an impossible love which in many ways symbolized the difficult life of young generation in communist era Russia. Igla scores well in all artistic departments as it has great music by Viktor Tsoi which blends perfectly with constructive, meaningful lyrics. The major highlight of the film is its imagery which brings forth the bleakness of a troubled nation. For example- a visually rich scenes features an abandoned ship lying lost in dry sands of Aral sea. The late Russian rock star Viktor Tsoi is one of the principal reasons to watch this film due to his character having two distinct yet interesting styles. He appears credible as a comical hero who doesn't hesitate to use force in order to accomplish some true to life action scenes. The overall mood of the film is nice despite a minor dose of profane humor.
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