2012: Doomsday (2008 Video)
Pretty good considering the budget!
3 August 2013
It seems to me that the vast majority of the so-called 'reviews' of this movie are people just 'having a go' at Christians - little wonder that Islam Is taking over the world while ever people from Christian countries attack their own faith!Why can't people rate this Movie on It's acting,special effects and photography Instead of using It as an excuse to attack Christians? Considering the relatively tiny budget of just £250k, this Isn't a bad job at all. Of course It's far fetched - but people love films like The Matrix,Mars attacks and similar stuff which are laughably stupid and unbelievable - but entertaining despite that.There's a lot of hypocrites about,In other words. The special effects are good - again,considering the budget - and Cliff De Young Is a damn good actor, just take a look at the many films he's been In! Okay,so the films premise Is silly,but as I say, most of the highest-rated movies of all time have a ridiculous and unbelievable storyline. The many Christian churches - Protestantism,Catholicism,Baptists,Wesleyan,Coptic,Orthodox,Mormons, witnesses and hundreds more - serve only to confuse the Issue. All organised religion Is false - Jesus tells us himself through Matthew In the new testament that those who pray In churches are Hypocrites - one should pray alone,In private,In ones 'chamber'(bedroom or other private place).Reading the book of Matthew reveals the one truth about Christianity - be good,be nice to people,pray for forgiveness of your sins each day - and THAT'S IT! Remember - MEN have created organised religion\churches, NOT Jesus! Neither did Jesus suggest as much - as he himself said,those who attend church expecting to be 'forgiven' have already blown their chance of redemption,likewise those who give 'charity' by having their picture taken whilst handing over those big cardboard cheques will be shunned by God - Alms(charity) should be given In private,known only to the giver,the receiver and God. Jesus makes It absolutely clear In Matthew that ones relationship with Christ and God Is a private matter for each Individual. DON'T SHUN Christianity BECAUSE OF ORGANISED RELIGION - YOU DO NOT HAVE TO JOIN ANY CHURCH TO BE A 'GOOD' Christian!! Read Matthew In the authorised(King James) bible and make up your own mind. Don't laugh at Christians because of the silly story to this film.
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